The businesses, offices and restaurants on Military Avenue want you to know that they are open for business!
We will continue to offer the great services you have come to expect, just in a new way.
In an effort to curb the spread of COVID-19, we have taken extra measures to clean, practice social distancing, limit the number of people gathering, and still offer you the things you want and need. In fact, we hope that you will continue to shop at our many service, retail, office, and restaurants while we work through this uncertain time. We are working together for the good of all.
Wisconsin Governor Evers, along with many other States, have issued Emergency Orders that give us direction for the best ways to slow the spread of Corona Virus and flatten the curve of cases that could otherwise overwhelm our health systems. Here is a link to his Emergency Order #5 Prohibiting Mass Gatherings of 10 People or More.
Based on the State guidelines, businesses are practicing social distancing. This is a recommendation of staying 6 feet away from others and avoiding contact. Avoid hand shakes or people that are sick or sneezing.
If you are in the high-risk group, you need to be extra careful. Most of our businesses will come to your car, find a delivery option, or instruct you how to work with them on-line or over the phone. There really are many options for still getting the things you need. Even Alderman John Vander Leest, has offered to help out where needed.
All restaurants must only offer take out food as to not subject a group of more than 10 to gather. They will be very accommodating to your needs as we all want this to work for everyone. Drive-up, pick-up, delivery to your home, are options at most of the Military Avenue restaurants. Hours have been shortened for some, so call ahead.
The Winter Market on Military is looking at a call or email order system for your products. If you need some of your regular market items, email us at Director@MilitaryAve.org or call 920-544-9503 to place an order. The details are still being worked out for a drive-through market pick up.
The main point is that we are working together for the good of all, and we want to make sure you can relax and know that someone is here to help you get the services and supplies that you need. Look out for your friends and neighbors and always play it safe!
www.MilitaryAve.org – 920-544-9503 – FB Military Avenue Business District
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