Business Discounts for Military- Teacher – Customer
Military Avenue Business District is military friendly! Check out the discounts listed below.
Watch for this sticker in the participating business windows.
Military Personnel Discounts
Book Stop: 10% off to military members with valid ID
Cyndi’s Rejuvenation: 10% discount for military members
Glass Monkey: 20% off entire purchase for military members
Green Bay Chiropractic: cash discounts for military members, see store for details
Green Bay Vacuums: case-by-case offers for military members, inquire at business
Green Bay Stamp Shop: 20% discount for military members
H.J. Martin & Son: 10% off standard floor care services at Green Bay location only. 10% off front counter sundry items such as cleaners, floor protectors, etc. at both the Green Bay and Fox Valley locations. 10% off material purchases at Green Bay and Fox Valley locations. Not valid with any other offers. This offer is valid to all military members with valid ID.
Kersten Realty: First month free on 12 month lease for military members
Liberty Tax: 50% discount for military members
Martinizing Dry Cleaning Service: Military discounts on dress uniforms
Once Upon a Child: 15% discount for military members
Parkside Animal Care Center: 10% discount for military members
Perkin’s: 20% discount for military members
Shear Sports: $3 off hair cut for military members
Tattoos by Rick: various offers for military members, inquire at business
The Pancake Place: 10% off meal for military members, also eat and drink for free on Veteran’s Day
Tie the Knot Bridal Boutique: 10% discount on bridal gown and accessories for military members
Additional Business Discounts
Book Stop: 10% discount to teachers with valid ID
Cyndi’s Rejuvenation: $25 off permanent cosmetics when you mention the Military Avenue Business District website
Golden Basket Restaurant: Offers a punch card program, when you purchase 10 meals you get $5 off the 11th meal
Perkin’s: 10% discount for Seniors
Tie the Knot Bridal Boutique: 10% off bridal gown when the gown is purchased at the 1st appointment; 25% off accessories at the time of bridal gown being purchased